首頁 English 公司簡介 英國 美國 澳洲 紐西蘭 愛爾蘭 Special課程 聯絡我們

學   校 必   修


MSc Information and Communications Engineering

●Matlab and CAD
●Modelling and Classification of Data
●High-reliability Embedded Systems
●Radio Systems
●Design of Discrete Systems
●Real-time Signal Processing
●Digital Communications
●Radio Communications
學   校 必   修 選   修 (x2)


MSc communications and Signal processing

●Signal Processing and Estimation
●Advanced Mobile and Cellular Communications
●Modulation and Coding
●Reconfigurable Hardware Design
●Simulation of Wireless Communications (Course Work)
●Implementation of Wireless Receiver Algorithms
●Internet of Things and Sensor Networks
●Individual Project
●Wired and Wireless Network Technologies
●Advanced Multimedia Systems
●Advanced VLSI Design
●Biometrics and Recognition
學   校 必   修 選   修


MSc Data Communications

●Network and Inter-Network Architectures
●Network Performance Analysis
●Data Coding Techniques for Communications and Storage
●Advanced Communication Principles
●Mobile Networks and Physical Layer Protocols
●(either) Foundations of Object-Orientated Programming (or) Object-Orientated Programming and Software Design
●Major Research Project

●Computer Security and Forensics
●3D Computer Graphics
●Software Development for Mobile Devices
●Cloud Computing
●Advanced Signal Processing
●Antennas, Propagation and Satellite Systems
●Optical Communication Devices and Systems
●Computer Vision
●Broadband Wireless Techniques; Wireless Packet Data Networks and Protocols
●System Design

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