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學校 必   修 選  修



MA Fashion Enterprise and Society
●Fashion Futures
●Cultural Research Methods
●Fashion Marketing and Communications
●Enterprise Awareness & New Venture Creation
●Enterprise & Society
●Dissertation ; or
●Professional and Contextual Studies
●Fashion Communication and Photography
●Fashion Industry Analysis
●Textile Product Design, Innovation and Development
學校 必   修

MA Fashion Management
●Design Management 1
●Design Management 2
●Understanding Fashion Management
●Contemporary Issues in the Global Fashion Industry
●Ethical and environmental values
●Design and product development
●Trend research and international trend prediction
●Buying and merchandising roles
●Retail strategy
●Sourcing and supply chain management
●Global luxury fashion brands
學校 必   修



MSc International Fashion Marketing
●Advanced business practice
●Sustainable strategy: from planning to implementation
●Marketing in a global age
●Fashion buying and merchandise management in changing global industry
●Trend prediction and fashion forecasting
●Retail marketing management
●Buyer behaviour analysis
●International fashion marketing
●Fashion and brand management
●Organisation internship or consulting project or dissertation
學校 必   修

MA Fashion Management
●Managing People
●Strategic Marketing
●Fashion and Textiles: Issues and Themes
●Portfolio: Concepts and Treatments
●Managing Finance
●Global Business Strategy
●Research Strategy
●Portfolio: Short Projects

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