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☆ Marketing 行銷課程內容 回 英國熱門碩士課程 頁面
學   校 必   修 選  修 (x 3)
East Anglia

MSc Marketing

-- Accounting and Financial  Management
-- Buyer Behaviour and Interactive  Marketing
--Integrated Business Decision
--Management Skills and Personal  Development
--Managing People and Organisations
--Marketing and Strategy: Markets,  Competitors, and Customers

--Global Brand Strategy
--Innovation Management 
--Integrated Marketing  Communications
--Marketing Research
--Retail Marketing and Management

學校 必   修 選  修 (x 2)

MSc Marketing

--Foundations of Professional Knowledge and Skills
--Principles and Practices of Marketing
--Marketing Theory
--Marketing Research
--Consumer Behaviour
--Product Policy and Innovation
--Branding and Communication

●Business-to-Business Marketing &  Supply Chain Management
●Cultural Intermediaries and  Marketing as Practice
●International Marketing
●Quantitative Marketing Intelligence
●Services Marketing

學校 必   修 選  修 (x 2)

MSc International Marketing

--The International Business  Environment
-- International Marketing
-- Market Analysis
-- International Brand Management
-- International Marketing  Communications Management
-- Marketing Research
-- Consumer Behaviour
-- Principles of Marketing
-- Dissertation

-- Managing Design and Product  Development
-- Performance and Decision  Management
-- Customer Relationship Management
-- Small Business Marketing and  Management
-- E-Marketing
--Food Policy and Marketing

學校 必   修

MSc Marketing Management Practice

-- Marketing Management
-- Global Marketing
-- Contemporary Marketing Practices
-- Marketing Communications
-- International Consumer Behaviour
-- Marketing Research
-- Retail and Services Marketing
-- Branding
-- Cultural Marketing

學校 必   修 選  修

MSc Marketing and Brand Management

●Management In Organisations
● Managing For Ethics And Sustainability
●Perspectives On Marketing
●Strategic Brand Communication
●Research Methods And Methodologies In Accounting And Management


●Corporate Marketing Strategy
●Critical Marketing


學校 必   修 選  修

MSc Applied Corporate Brand Management

●Corporate Branding Theory and Issues
●Applied Corporate Branding
●Strategic Corporate Brand Management and Consulting
●Strategic Corporate Marketing
●Marketing Communications
●Understanding Business and Management Research

●Global Diversity Management
●International Business Ethics and Corporate Governance
●Strategic Management
●International Management

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