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艾塞克斯藝術史熱門科系: 回 英國艾賽克斯大學 頁面
 MA in Gallery Studies

˙Curatorial Practice
˙Reading Seminar
˙4 modules 【 including Curating Contemporary Art, The Display of Fine Art, Museum Architecture, ArtPlus (art's relationship with other disciplines), and The Curating of Craft】
˙Fortnightly visits to galleries/museums

Optional Routes:
˙Exhibition Option
˙Dissertation Option

 MA in European Art from the Renaissance to Impressionism

2 core courses from the following:
˙From Cult to Art - Transformations of Painting from Giotto to 1600
˙From the Sublime to the Ridiculous: Netherlandish Painting from van Eyck to Bruegel
˙Art in Rome from Caravaggio to Poussin
˙A Perfect State? Art in the Netherlands in the 17th Century
˙Horror, Hell and the Sublime: From Longinus to the Romantics

2 modules from the following:
˙Engendering Desire: Surrealism, Sex and Art
˙History and Identity in Latin America
˙Introduction to Maya Hieroglyphic Writing
˙Life and Death in Pre-Columbia America
˙Inventing Art History
˙Photography Degree Zero: Art and Photography 1960 to the present
˙Indigenous art in the Colonial World: Mexico and Andes
˙Counter Cinemas
˙Cubism, Materialism and Metaphysics
˙Music and the Visual Arts: case studies in aesthetic theory

 MA in Modern Art: Painting and its Discontents

2 core courses from the following:
˙Engendering Desire: Surrealism, Sex and Art
˙Inventing Art History
˙Music and the Visual Arts: case studies in aesthetic theory
˙Photography Degree Zero: Art and Photography 1960 to the present
˙Cubism, Materialism and Metaphysics

2 modules from the following:
˙From Cult to Art - Transformations of Painting from Giotto to 1600
˙History and Identity in Latin America
˙Introduction to Maya Hieroglyphic Writing
˙Life and Death in Pre-Columbia America
˙From the Sublime to the Ridiculous: Netherlandish Painting from van Eyck to Bruegel
˙Art in Rome from Caravaggio to Poussin
˙Indigenous art in the Colonial World: Mexico and Andes
˙A Perfect State? Art in the Netherlands in the 17th Century
˙Horror, Hell and the Sublime: From Longinus to the Romantics
˙Counter Cinemas

 MA in Latin American Art and Architecture

˙History and Identity in Latin America
˙Indigenous art in the Colonial World: Mexico and Andes

2 modules from the following:
˙From Cult to Art - Transformations of Painting from Giotto to 1600
˙Engendering Desire: Surrealism, Sex and Art
˙Inventing Art History
˙Music and the Visual Arts: case studies in aesthetic theory
˙Photography Degree Zero: Art and Photography 1960 to the present
˙Cubism, Materialism and Metaphysics
˙Introduction to Maya Hieroglyphic Writing
˙Life and Death in Pre-Columbia America
˙From the Sublime to the Ridiculous: Netherlandish Painting from van Eyck to Bruegel
˙Art in Rome from Caravaggio to Poussin
˙A Perfect State? Art in the Netherlands in the 17th Century
˙Horror, Hell and the Sublime: From Longinus to the Romantics
˙Counter Cinemas

 MA in Pre-Columbian and Native American Art

˙Life and Death in Pre-Columbia America
˙Indigenous art in the Colonial World: Mexico and Andes

2 modules from the following:
˙From Cult to Art - Transformations of Painting from Giotto to 1600
˙Engendering Desire: Surrealism, Sex and Art
˙Inventing Art History
˙Music and the Visual Arts: case studies in aesthetic theory
˙Photography Degree Zero: Art and Photography 1960 to the present
˙Cubism, Materialism and Metaphysics
˙Introduction to Maya Hieroglyphic Writing
˙History and Identity in Latin America
˙From the Sublime to the Ridiculous: Netherlandish Painting from van Eyck to Bruegel
˙Art in Rome from Caravaggio to Poussin
˙A Perfect State? Art in the Netherlands in the 17th Century
˙Horror, Hell and the Sublime: From Longinus to the Romantics
˙Counter Cinemas

 MA in Architectural History: City and Country
 MA in Contemporary Art, Criticism and philosophy
 MA in Art and Film Studies
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