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艾塞克斯語言學熱門科系: 回 英國艾賽克斯大學 頁面
 MA in English Language Teaching

Core Modules:
˙Language Learners in Classrooms
˙Research Methods for English Language Teachers
˙Foundations of Language
˙an ELT Professional Concerns seminar

4 Optional Modules

 MA in Applied Linguistics

Core Modules:
˙Foundations of Linguistics
˙Approaches to Second Language Acquisition
˙Language Teaching
˙Research methods in Language Acquisition

4 Optional Modules

 MA in Computational Linguistics

Core Modules:
˙Computational Linguistics
˙Introduction to Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar
˙Prolog and Natural Language Understanding

2 Optional Modules from:
˙Machine Translation
˙Computer-assisted Language Learning
˙Sentence Processing
˙Comparative Syntax

 MA in Descriptive and Applied Linguistics

Core Modules:
˙Descriptive Phonology
˙Descriptive Syntax
˙English Phonology or English Syntax

5 Optional Modules

 MA in Descriptive Linguistics

Core Modules:
˙Descriptive Phonology
˙Descriptive Syntax
˙English Phonology
˙English Syntax

4 Optional Modules

 MA in English Language and Linguistics

Core Modules:
˙Descriptive Phonology
˙Descriptive Syntax
˙English Phonology
˙English Syntax

4 Optional Modules

 MA in Language Acquisition

Core Modules:
˙Approaches to Second Language Acquisition
˙Models of First Language Acquisition:
Grammatical development in monolingual, bilingual and language-impaired children
˙Acquisition of Morphology
˙Foundations of Linguistics
˙Research Methods in Language Acquisition

3 Optional Modules

 MA in Language Disorders
˙Foundation course in Linguistics
˙Neuroscience of Language
˙Specific Language Impairment
˙Diagnosis of Language Disorders
˙Language Disorders
˙Therapy for Language Disorders
˙Research Methods for Language Acquisition
˙Phonological Development and Phonological Disorders
 MA in Language Testing and Programme Evaluation

Core Modules:
˙Language Testing
˙Foundations of Language for EL teachers
˙Quantitative Research Methods
˙Communicative Language Testing
˙Language Programme Evaluation

2 Optional Modules

 MA in Linguistics

Core Modules:
˙Minimalist Syntax
˙Introduction to Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar
˙Theoretical Phonology
˙TWO of: Readings in Minimalist Syntax; Topics in HPSG; Meaning and Form

2 Optional Modules

 MA in Linguistic Studies
˙8 Optional modules
 MA in Phonology
Core Modules:
˙Theoretical Phonology
˙6 Optional modules
 MA in Psycholinguistics and Neurolinguistics

Core Modules:
˙Foundations of Linguist
˙Two of: The Mental Lexicon; Acquisition of Morphology; Neuroscience of Language
˙Two of: Sentence Processing; Development of Language Processing; Language

2 Optional Modules

 MA in Sociolinguistics

Core Modules:
˙Sociolinguistic Methods

4 Optional Modules

 MA in Syntax

Core Modules:
˙Minimalist Syntax
˙Introduction to Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar

4 Optional Modules

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