Core Modules:
˙Introduction to Social Science Research
˙Introduction to Research in Media and Communication
˙Research Methods in the Social Sciences
˙Contemporary Issues in Media and Cultural Studies
˙Advanced Quantitative Methods
˙Qualitative Data Analysis
And one of the following:
˙Process and Structures in Mass Communications
˙The Study of Mass Media Audiences
Optional Modules (two from the following):
˙The International Context of Mass Communication
˙News Management, Communication and Social Problems
˙Advertising and Cultural Consumption
˙Technology, Culture and Power: Global Perspectives
˙Political Communication
˙Film and Mass Communication
˙Gender and Identity
˙From Ethnicity to Diaspora: Transnational Communities and the Media
˙The Digital Economy
˙Popular Culture
˙International Political Communication
˙Media, Identity and the Body
˙The Dynamics of World Cinema: A Global Outlook
˙Media and International Conflict