■ MSc Business Management |
Compulsory: |
Dissertation |
Marketing and Strategy: Markets, Competitors and Customers |
People in Organisations: Managing Change |
Introduction to Accounting and Finance |
Information Systems and Operations |
Integrated Business Decisions |
Options: |
Contemporary Issues in Accounting and Finance Research |
Coaching People in management and Development |
Global Career Management and Development |
Corporate Governance |
E-Marketing |
Entrepreneurship |
E-Strategy |
Behavioural Aspects of Marketing |
Human Resource Management in a Strategic Business Context |
Interactive Marketing |
International Business and Human Resource Management |
International Marketing |
International Purchasing and Procurement |
Management Law |
Management of Services |
Managerial Accounting and Financial Management |
Managing Organizational Learning and Knowledge |
Marketing Management of New Products |
Performance Management and Control |
Supply Chain Management in the Service Sector |
Supply Chain Processes and Technology |
Supply Chain Strategies and Research |
Systems Engineering Issues |
■ MSc Strategic Supply Chain Management |
Compulsory: |
Dissertation |
Integrated Business Decisions |
Introduction to Accounting and Finance |
Supply Chain Processes and Technology |
Information Systems and Operations |
Marketing and Strategy: Markets, Competitors and Customers |
People in Organisations: Managing Change |
Options: |
Supply Chain Management in the Service Sector |
International Purchasing and Procurement |
Supply Chain Diagnostics and Complexity |
Supply Chain Strategies and Research |
E-Strategy |