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東英吉利大學音樂學院熱門科系 回 英國東英吉利大學 頁面
■ MMus Conducting
This course is designed to develop, to an advanced level, the skills and interpretative abilities required of the modern conductor; applicants will need to provide evidence of their conducting experience. The course comprises practical coursework (score-reading, aural perception, baton technique); written coursework; work studies (standard repertory, pre-classical and contemporary styles and techniques); and rehearsing with vocal and instrumental ensembles inside and outside the University. Assessment is based on coursework (including rehearsals, performances and an extended essay); a practical examination comprising the rehearsal and public performance of a prepared orchestral programme; and an oral examination.
■ MMus Performance
This course is intended for performers who wish to combine advanced practical tuition (in voice or instrument) with academic studies in interpretation and performance practice. Students are sent to specialist teachers outside the University (often at the London colleges) for performance tuition. Academic work includes research into the musical styles and histories of interpretation relevant to the student's instrument or voice. There is scope for research into issues of contemporary performance practice and the theory of performance, and into the relation between musical performance and other forms of musical practice. Students are expected to take a leading role in the performing activities of the University.
Assessment is based on written coursework; public recitals including a concerto with the University Symphony Orchestra; a report from the student's instrumental or vocal teacher; and an oral examination.
■ MA in Creative Entrepreneurship
Supported by Barclays and launched by Radio 4 presenter and journalist Mark Lawson, this new and innovative, one-year MA course is for Artists, Writers, Musicians, Composers, Performing Artists and recent Arts Graduates, who are in the process of establishing their careers in the fields of Visual Arts, Music and Literature or as practitioners in the context of cultural provision. The MA in Creative Entrepreneurship (MACE) is based at UEA in Norwich, with 20% of course activity delivered at the Jerwood Space in London. The course offers opportunities to showcase creative work in London and is the only course of its kind in the UK that addresses the aspirations of a creative career in this manner. A unique feature of the course is the development of the student's own personal Arts Plan to navigate a professional creative future. Each year a prize is offered for the most outstanding
Arts Plan. 
1.Technical briefings
A series of Technical Briefings in legal, copyright and contractual issues, accounting and tax issues for self-employment and small businesses, IT literacy, marketing, promotion and presentation.
2.Key playmakers and cultural leaders
Seminars with a wide range of highly experienced leaders from across the creative industries, cultural sector and associated professions.
3.Financial resources
Survey and analysis of financial sources and income generating possibilities
4.Artists and contemporary practice
Interaction with established contemporary arts practitioners
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