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※ 學生觀光簽證 ※

自2011年1月10日起,欲就讀6 至11個月英文的學生,可以申請 Student Visitor Visa,此新規定適用於任何英文程度,但是要注意:
** SVV簽證不可以打工或是參加實習課程
** 不能攜帶眷屬
** 不能在當地延簽


Extended Student Visitor visa for English language students
From 10 January 2011 English language students wishing to attend exclusively English language courses will be able to apply for a student visitor visa allowing them to stay for up to 11 months. The Extended Student Visitor visa will only be available to applicants outside of the United Kingdom.



※ 註: 就讀六個月內課程不需要申請簽證。



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