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英國簽證最新規定: 回 簽證須知 頁面

英國內政部邀請23所大學參加 Tier 4 Visa Pilot Scheme,除了簽證手續比較簡便之外,此23所大學的畢業生在課程結束之後尚可申請六個月額外的簽證,將有利於在當地找工作。

Please see details of the 23 institutions who have been invited to take part in the Tier 4 Pilot. The Home Office will be rolling out the Tier 4 visa pilot to a further 23 universities for the academic year 2018/19 student intake.

In its second year with the Universities of Oxford, Cambridge, Bath and Imperial College London, the pilot simplifies the visa application process for international students applying for a Masters’ course, in the UK, of 13 months or less.

The Home Office is extending the pilot more widely to assess the impact on a more diverse set of education institutions. A further 23 institutions have been selected based on having the consistently lowest visa refusal rates for their region or nation.

The pilot makes the application process more streamlined and means that universities are responsible for eligibility checks, so that students applying for their visa can submit fewer documents. However, all students continue to be subject to Immigration Rules.

It also helps to support students who wish to switch into a work route and take up a graduate role by extending the leave period following the end of their study to up to six months. This further demonstrates the Home Office’s commitment to supporting UK universities in attracting international students from around the world.

By working with a small selection of institutions, the Home Office can closely monitor and evaluate the impact of the pilot in a controlled way. Once evaluated, the Home Office will consider whether to introduce the offer being tested with the pilot into the Immigration Rules and make it policy.


2015年-- 英國簽證的雅思新規定:

新考試—IELTS Life Skills(雅思生活技能)—將會介紹給須證明口說及聽力能力的A1 或B1 等級人士。
在新規定之下,針對簽證目的的IELTS雅思考試只能在經授權的考試中心舉行,且考試中心必須遵循英國政府明確規定的程序。客戶登記考試後,必須說明考試的目的並確保該考試中心經授權可為其目的舉行考試。授權的IELTS (雅思)考試中心列表即將公布於www.ieltsessentials.com/uk


From 6th April 2015 the government has stated that only IELTS (worldwide) and Trinity Integrated Skills in English (administered only in UK) will be considered as Secure English Language Tests (SELT) for UK visa application purposes.

The list of locations is available here -- http://ieltsessentials.com/test_centre_search.aspx (please note the list is updated regularly, so please check carefully before making an appointment).

如需更多有關英國簽證與移民署(UKVI)資訊的公告,請登陸 www.gov.uk


※ IELTS test for UK Visas and Immigration

What are the changes?

In addition to the IELTS General Training and IELTS Academic tests, which you may already know of, a new test called IELTS Life Skills will be introduced.
IELTS Life Skills test will be introduced for candidates who need to prove their speaking and listening skills at levels A1 or B1 of the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR). This will be a single test covering speaking and listening skills.

IELTS tests for UK Visas and Immigration are managed by the IELTS SELT Consortia, which comprises British Council, IDP: IELTS Australia and Cambridge English Language Assessment.

For more information on the UK Visas and Immigration, please visit www.gov.uk.


When will this change take place?

The change in the UK government policy will be effective from 6 April 2015. Until 5 April 2015, you can sit an IELTS test anywhere in the world and the result can be submitted to UKVI with your application until 5 November 2015.

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